Market Reports

28 May 2024

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 9th January 2024

3 min read

Rishi Sunak, set out on Monday that the country is heading in the right direction as it enters an anticipated election year. He has placed the commitment to tax cuts at the forefront of his efforts to rejuvenate the Conservative Party’s prospects, drawing inspiration from John Major’s unexpected 1992 election victory. Sunak aims to convey […]

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9 Jun 2023

IFX Market Report: Friday 9th June 2023

3 min read

Yesterday, the Prime Minister and President Biden reached a ground-breaking economic partnership that marks a significant milestone in the relationship between the UK and US.

2 Jun 2023

IFX Market Report: Friday 2nd June 2023

3 min read

The possibility of the Bank of England implementing additional increases in interest rates has resurfaced following the release of inflation data last week.

26 May 2023

IFX Market Report: Friday 26th May 2023

3 min read

On Wednesday the consumer prices index for April, as reported by the Office for National Statistics, recorded a decrease in inflation to 8.7%, compared to 10.1% in March.

23 May 2023

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 23rd May 2023

3 min read

Britain’s Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has disclosed that the United Kingdom will receive a Japanese investment exceeding $22 billion.

16 May 2023

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 16th May 2023

3 min read

This morning, the jobs data in the UK presented a mixed picture.

10 May 2023

IFX Market Report: Wednesday 10th May 2023

3 min read

The British economy is currently performing well, with households continuing to spend despite the cost of living crisis.

2 May 2023

IFX Market Report: Friday 28th April 2023

3 min read

Barclays’ CEO, CS Venkatakrishnan, stated that despite the bank’s strongest quarterly profit since 2011, the British economy is still not out of danger.

19 Apr 2023

IFX Market Report: Wednesday 19th April 2023

3 min read

The UK saw a mixed bag of data yesterday as unemployment rate rose to 3.8% from 3.7% in the 3 months leading to February, mainly down to the number of people on long term sick rising.

14 Apr 2023

IFX Market Report: Friday 14th April 2023

2 min read

Over the past week the dollar has continued to weaken whilst the Euro has seen some strength. US Jobs growth slowed in March but still came in slightly above expectations.
