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Live Currency Markets

Currency Bid Ask % High Low Open UK Time
GBPEUR 1.1844 1.1854 0.03 1.1864 1.1830 1.1846 09:12:45
GBPUSD 1.2863 1.2871 0.09 1.2878 1.2850 1.2855 09:12:45
EURUSD 1.0855 1.0857 0.05 1.0868 1.0842 1.0851 09:12:45
EURGBP 0.8439 0.8440 -0.00 0.8449 0.8428 0.8441 09:12:45
GBPAED 4.7252 4.7277 0.10 4.7289 4.7197 4.7217 09:12:45
GBPAUD 1.9646 1.9648 -0.00 1.9656 1.9588 1.9655 09:12:45
GBPNZD 2.1848 2.1859 0.12 2.1863 2.1786 2.1827 09:12:45
GBPCAD 1.7799 1.7805 0.22 1.7815 1.7760 1.7763 09:12:45
GBPNOK 14.191 14.193 0.13 14.192 14.092 14.173 09:12:45
GBPCHF 1.1367 1.1384 0.08 1.1367 1.1367 1.1367 09:12:45
GBPJPY 197.83 197.84 0.13 199.13 196.85 197.57 09:12:45
GBPHKD 10.043 10.048 0.11 10.052 10.029 10.034 09:12:45
EURAED 3.9875 3.9900 0.09 3.9906 3.9817 3.9854 09:12:45
EURAUD 1.6576 1.6587 -0.00 1.6593 1.6522 1.6592 09:12:45
EURJPY 166.96 166.96 0.11 168.01 166.31 166.78 09:12:45
EURHKD 8.4741 8.4818 0.05 8.4741 8.4741 8.4741 09:12:45
EURNOK 11.977 11.980 0.01 11.977 11.977 11.977 09:12:45
USDGBP 0.7768 0.7769 0.01 0.7768 0.7768 0.7768 09:12:45
USDAED 3.6728 3.6737 0.01 3.6730 3.6723 3.6729 09:12:45
USDEUR 0.9210 0.9215 0.01 0.9220 0.9199 0.9212 09:12:45

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