
Growing Through Partnerships

If you work with clients making global payments, unlock new opportunities to grow your business by partnering with IFX Payments.

Why Work With Us

Enhanced your value proposition

We provide your clients with multi-currency accounts, hedging guidance and international payroll services

Increase customer loyalty

Unrivalled support for you and your clients means you can find payment solutions quickly and accurately, saving time and money, and improving customer satisfaction

New revenue streams

Earn each time you refer a suitable client to us if they are successfully onboarded to use our services

Dedicated support

With a dedicated partnership account manager, you have a main point of contact to help you leverage the partnership to extract maximum value

Our Solutions

Working with us could help you scale into new global markets whilst also having the ability to offer your underlying clients access to multi-currency payment and FX solutions

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An all-in-one treasury management and payments solution, which facilitates instant, low cost and transparent payments in and out. Receive, hold and send funds in over 70 currencies, all on a self-service online platform.


Currency Risk Management

Our brokerage experts can help your clients manage risk with robust hedging solutions, target rates and real-time rate alerts – via a dedicated account manager.

Ways You Can Work With Us

Strategic Partners

Businesses with an international footprint need a number of services to enable them to trade effectively. We work with strategic partners in order to bring about mutual benefit for both parties.

Referring Partners

If you have a suitable client or contact that could benefit from our services and you successfully refer them, you could get a percentage of the profit, generating additional revenue for your business.

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Get in touch

Whether you’re looking to speak to one of our dedicated teams or someone in a specific office, please contact us to find out how we can help you.